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Time-Lapse Blog

Time-Lapse Inspiration

Skip to Section1 Four Years of an Exploding Star1.1 Time-lapse Morphing Effect2 Time-Slice of Minneapolis Skyline3 A Photo Every Day – From 12 To Married4 Growing a Mango Tree From Seed5 Inspiration is the key to creativity Sometimes when you’re just out of time-lapse ideas, your creativity may nees a little something to go off. […]

Panolapse 360 Review


Skip to Section1 Introduction2 What is Panolapse?2.1 Time-lapse creation software3 What makes Panolapse unique?4 Panolapse Features4.1 Rotational Panning/Zooming4.2 Blend frames with RAWBlend4.3 Autoexposure4.4 Deflicker4.5 Exposure correction4.6 Works with RAW or JPG4.7 Works with Fisheye lenses4.8 Works with stitched panoramas4.9 Export to MP4, MOV or JPG frames5 Hands On With Panolapse5.1 Importing Photos5.2 Exporting Video6 The […]

LRTimelapse Pro Timer 3 Review

Pro Timer 3

Skip to Section1 First Impressions1.1 Fast Shutter Release1.2 Interval Ramping1.3 Dual Trigger Output Ports1.4 OLED Display1.5 Scene Flashlight1.6 Hot Shoe Mounts2 Build Quality3 User Interface3.1 Hardware Interface3.2 Software Interface4 Battery Life5 Documentation6 In Summary6.1 Pros6.2 Cons There are quite a few time-lapse controllers on the market. From the basic unbranded basic intervalometers you can pick […]

Time-Lapse Software: Applications You’ll Need For Creating Pro Videos

Time Lapse Software

Skip to Section1 Time-Lapse Video Stages2 Time-Lapse Capture Software3 Devices vs Software3.1 VideoVelocity Time-Lapse Capture Studio3.2 SkyStudioPro4 Video editing Software5 Frame by Frame Editing5.1 Adobe Lightroom6 Great Feature7 Video Production Software8 Editing Audio9 Final Thoughts on Time-Lapse Video Software9.1 LR Timelapse9.2 Panolapse9.3 Adobe Premiere Pro10 Some disadvantages To Adobe10.1 Vegas Pro11 Is Mac or Windows […]

Time lapse shoot – Keeping Your Canon DSLR battery Powered

Lithium-Ion DSLR Camera Battery

Skip to Section0.1 Canon DSLR battery life1 So what can be done?2 Do DSLRs have an external power supply input?3 The solution3.1 Dummy DSLR Battery3.2 Making your own dummy battery4 The power source4.1 Wall plug power supply (Wall-wart)4.2 USB power banks4.2.1 Auto-off feature4.2.2 Always-on USB power banks4.2.3 Disabling a USB power bank’s auto-power-off feature4.2.4 Using […]

Make Money From TimeLapse Photography

Make Money From Time Lapse

TimeLapse is a fun hobby which combines technical photography and videography with creativity. You can spend many hours of (sometimes quite difficult and frustrating) work setting up and capturing a timelapse recording, but it’s so satisfying when you see the final result. But can you turn this passion into an actual source of revenue or […]

How To Shoot a Lego Time-Lapse Video

How to shoot a LEGO time-lapse

Skip to Section1 Aren’t time-lapse photography and stop-frame animation the same thing?2 Why would you shoot a LEGO time-lapse?3 What equipment do I need?3.1 A Camera3.2 A Tripod3.3 An Intervalometer3.4 Artificial Lighting3.5 A LEGO Set4 Preperation4.1 Charge your batteries4.2 Set up your equipment4.3 Set up your camera4.4 Set up the intervalometer4.5 Test, test, test5 Start […]

Top 5 Most Impressive Time-Lapse Videos

Top Time Lapse Video

Skip to Section1 5. Bean Time-Lapse – 25 days | Soil cross-section2 4. Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 18 years – Age Time-Lapse3 3. A Journey To The End of Time – Time-Lapse of The Future4 2. 30 Days Timelapse at Sea Though Thunderstorms – Torrential Rain & Busy Traffic5 1. “The 3 Year Construction […]

What Is Magic Lantern, And Will It Run On My Camera?

Magic Lantern on a Canon Camera

Skip to Section1 What is Magic Lantern?2 Does It Overwrite My Camera’s Internal Software?3 Is Feature ‘x’ Available On My Camera?4 Will Using Magic Lantern Void My Camera’s Warranty?5 What Camera Models Will The Software Run On?6 Will Magic Lantern Run On a Nikon Camera?7 Is There Any Support Available For The Software?8 How Do […]

Time-Lapse Proof Of Extreme Ice Loss


A little different from our usual content. This video is a Ted talk by James Balog, who is a nature photographer with over 40 years of experience. In the video, James presents time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss in the polar ice caps. The video was shot by what is called the ‘Extreme Ice Survey’, […]